Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Landesa | Secure Land Rights: A Sustainable Solution at the Intersection of Climate Change and COVID-19

In this blog on Skoll Foundation, Rachel McMongagle addresses the dual crisis of climate change and COVID-19. “COVID-19 and climate change are impacting all of us, but the dual disasters have a disproportionate impact on communities in emerging… Read More

IIED | Farmer-herder conflict: open your eyes, change the narrative, find solutions

New research by IIED’s Camilla Toulmin and Saverio Krätli uproots deep-set trend to help understand increasing violence in dryland Africa through the lens of ‘farmer-herder conflict’. They have been digging into the data and found no evidence to… Read More

LandCollaborative Learning Cycle – Call

ILC’s LandCollaborative is looking for an interested and experienced organization – especially members and partners of LandCollaborative conveners – to collaborate in the development and implementation of a capacity building and learning cycle for Multi-Stakeholder Platforms on engagement… Read More

LANDdialoog organiseert kennissessie landrechten IMVO-convenant sierteelt

Op 28 oktober organiseerde de LANDdialoog een kennissessie voor de Convenantpartijen in de Sierteelt. Landrechten en landgebruik is een van de 7 prioritaire thema’s binnen het IMVO-Convenant Sierteelt Er waren een drietal sessies, waarbij landrechten en landgebruik… Read More

LAND-at-scale tender Colombia

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is seeking (an)  organization(s) to implement the LAND-at-scale intervention in Colombia.  See the original post on the Land Portal website here. Background LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. A… Read More

GLP | COVID-19, reverse migration, and the impact on land systems

Recently published blog by Sébastien Boillat and dr. Julie Zähringer on the impact of COVID-19 and reverse migration on land systems; “The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world abruptly, affecting nearly all of humanity with breath-taking speed. At… Read More

IIED, Namati and CCSI | New Initiative ALIGN

IIED, Namati and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) have developed a new initiative to support governments, civil society, local communities and private sector actors in improving the governance and practices of land-based investments.   The Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project… Read More

ITC Twente | Evaluating Some Major Assumptions in Land Registration: Insights from Ghana’s Context of Land Tenure and Registration

Read this new article by Zaid Abubakari, Christine Richter and Jaap Zevenbergen: Evaluating Some Major Assumptions in Land Registration: Insights from Ghana;s Context of Land Tenure and Registration. Abstract:A discussion of the assumptions that underlie efforts to register… Read More

Oxfam Novib | Job Opportunity

This position lies in Oxfam (Novib)’s food and justice campaign GROW. The GROW campaign contributes to a diverse and active movement for food justice. It focuses on small scale-food producers and their communities benefiting more from local, national… Read More

ZOA | Job Opportunity

Vacancy closing date: 9 October 2020 ZOA is looking for a new Consortium Coordinator. The international work of ZOA is coordinated from the Netherlands. ZOA is active in multiple countries in Africa, South America, Middle East Region and… Read More