As LANDac we are highly concerned about the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on the land rights of poor people and insist on the importance of sustainable and inclusive land governance. While it is still early to assess the full extent of the impacts of the crisis, you can find some early observations by our partners and network below.
Please note that the opinions expressed in the blogs below belong the the authors themselves.
Nearly half of formally employed Kenyan have lost their jobs amid Covid-19 crisis: The plight of low-income households’ food and nutrition security
James Wangu, LANDac & Utrecht University, and Fridah Githuku, LANDac & GROOTS Kenya 1 July 2020
This blog explores covid-19 pandemic impact on food and nutrition security in Kenya and proposes some response measures that Kenya could adopt to remedy the crisis. Kenya has struggled with a persistent problem of food insecurity in the recent past. In 2019, about 2.6 million people were critically food insecure, relying on food assistance.
The impact of Covid-19 on the Land Sector in Mozambique
Alda Salomão, Centro Terra Viva 10 June 2020
Like other parts of the world, Mozambique has been constantly devising the safest and most economically feasible ways to protect its citizens and the economy from the global Covid-19 pandemic, since it recorded its first case on 22nd March 2020. In the same month, March 2020, the President of Mozambique put in force a 90-day State of Emergency (SOE) until May 30, 2020 (recently extended for an additional 30 days until the end of June) to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Is the security of tenure for women secured in the ‘Africa we want’?
Grace Ananda, the Oxfam Pan Africa Programme 25 May 2020
What is the position of women in Africa 57 years after the formation of the African Union? How would the world look like if women had secure access, and control of their land, and natural resources? Would the food crisis be managed differently during emergencies, like the big one we are now living in? These are the questions I keep asking myself anytime I meet with rural women farmers and engage with policymakers in the African continent.
The threat of Covid-19 in Kenya: thoughts and worries, and the urgent need for social protection and safety nets plan
James Wangu, LANDac and Utrecht University 11 May 2020
For those of us born a few decades after the Second World War, the current novel coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis is unlike anything we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Since the outbreak of the virus in China late last year, Covid-19 has left a trail of suffering in all corners of the world.
Blog Series: Land Governance and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Blog Series: Land Governance and the COVID-19 Pandemic
As LANDac we are highly concerned about the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on the land rights of poor people and insist on the importance of sustainable and inclusive land governance. While it is still early to assess the full extent of the impacts of the crisis, you can find some early observations by our partners and network below.
Please note that the opinions expressed in the blogs below belong the the authors themselves.
Nearly half of formally employed Kenyan have lost their jobs amid Covid-19 crisis: The plight of low-income households’ food and nutrition security
James Wangu, LANDac & Utrecht University, and Fridah Githuku, LANDac & GROOTS Kenya
1 July 2020
The impact of Covid-19 on the Land Sector in Mozambique
Alda Salomão, Centro Terra Viva
10 June 2020
Is the security of tenure for women secured in the ‘Africa we want’?
Grace Ananda, the Oxfam Pan Africa Programme
25 May 2020
The threat of Covid-19 in Kenya: thoughts and worries, and the urgent need for social protection and safety nets plan
James Wangu, LANDac and Utrecht University
11 May 2020
For those of us born a few decades after the Second World War, the current novel coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis is unlike anything we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Since the outbreak of the virus in China late last year, Covid-19 has left a trail of suffering in all corners of the world.