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Publication: Final PLN Report

One of the final reports from the Professional Learning Network has been published.
Emilinah Namaganda, Teddy Kisembo, Molatelo Mohale, Romy Santpoort and Johanna Waldenberger have been working hard on this research and created this report titled ‘Revisiting the notion of profit-sharing: A bottom-up perspective on resettlement and fair compensation’.

This research focuses on communities’ perspective on fair compensation and/or resettlement in South Africa and Uganda, and how these perspectives can inform more inclusive and fair resettlement processes. More importantly, we would like to emphasize the need for governments and companies to consider alternatives to (forced) displacement, as it is not only stressed in national and international legal frameworks and guidelines, but also by our research respondents.

The findings from this research show that there are diverse opinions from different groups of people about what is considered to be fair compensation. The different groups identified within communities included landowners, infrastructure owners, tenants, men, women, among others, all of whom tended to have slightly diverging priorities and perspectives on investments, and opinions on resettlement, displacement and fair compensation.

Read the full report here!