Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Food Systems Summit; Pre-Summit

Wednesday, 28th of July, 08:00-08:50 CEST

From 26th-28th of July, the Pre-Summit of the Food Systems Summit will take place. During this pre-summit, on Wednesday morning, The International Land Coalition, the European Commission, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), RVO & LANDac, Welthungerhilfe and the Land Portal Foundation will host a session on land rights called ‘Centrality of Land in Building Sustainable Food Systems’.

Food security and sustainable food systems are inextricably connected to land. The current food systems are evidently inadequate in addressing poverty, hunger and malnutrition worldwide, whilst an important number of the world’s hungry base their livelihoods on access to land and other natural resources.

Strengthened resource rights increases the likelihood that farmers invest in their land, boosting productivity and contributing to food security. Secure tenure of Indigenous Peoples over the forests they live, dramatically reduces deforestation and other forms of environmental degradation contributing to climate change mitigation.

For this reason, this session pays attention to the importance of land rights for food security and sustainable food systems, and learn from experiences in the field, and put land rights on the agenda of the Food Systems Summit.

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