Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

18/09/2014 – Call for cases

LANDac is calling for cases of domestic or foreign investments or activities in agriculture in the Global South that are models in which due attention is paid to issues of sustainable development, inclusive growth and food security; with specific attention for the local land governance situation.

LANDac activities in this area include short- and long-term research projects. Short-term research is conducted into responsible investment practices and its linkages to the wide diversity of (international) guidelines and principles that have recently come up. Long-term research includes a PhD project, in collaboration with CGIAR’s Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), in Tanzania within the Large-scale Investments in Food, Fibre and Energy (LIFFE) Options project. The project aims to take stock of existing smallholder-oriented agricultural business models.

In the terms of stakeholder involvement, LANDac in collaboration with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes the LANDforum, a think tank of professionals whose work is focused around agricultural investments. The LANDforum was set up in 2013 and consists of selected researchers, policy makers and practitioners from Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Uganda.

In the context of these ongoing LANDac activities and studies around topics of sustainable development, inclusive growth and food security, the network is now interested in receiving interesting and innovative approaches by practitioners that are active in the Global South. Cases can be submitted to the LANDac secretariat: In case of any questions about this call, please do not hesitate to contact us!