Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

LANDac | LANDac Conference side event – Workshop: (Geo)Visualizing Qualitative Methods

Workshop: (Geo)Visualizing Qualitative Methods

Organised by Dr. Kei Otsuki and Dr. Ajay Bailey 

Our academic research often produces texts. We interview people, observe situations, collect more data, analyze and write and publish about them. The question is: are they effective in conveying our messages? How can we engage ourselves and the ‘people’ whom we study, using different methods to enrich and democratize our research process and outcomes? The visual turn in social sciences brings to question the politics of visibility/invisibility as well as issues of privacy. Who are we framing and in whose frame are we standing?

This workshop is organized for researchers who are interested in using different methods – essentially ‘visualization’ methods using digital media, including photos, videos, drones, and GIS in combination with historical, geographical and ethnographic descriptions of specific places and people. Drawing on our own research contexts, we aim to share our own experiences and areas for further development and collaboration. We encourage participants to reflect on: What methods inspires them? What do they find challenging about methods? In what context would you like to apply (new) methods?


Date & Time: Wednesday, 27 June, 13.30-17.00

Location: Vening Meinesz building room 1.02, Princetonlaan 8a, Utrecht 

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