Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

ILC & LANDac | Men that champion women’s land rights

The International Land Coalition reported on LANDac’s Learning Event on the Women and Secure Land Rights in Africa project, held in April 2018 in Nairobi. Gender means many things to people, but one image that usually comes to… Read More

LANDac | Summary report WB Conference Reflection Meeting 2018

On April 12, 2018, LANDac organised a meeting for Dutch actors working on land governance to reflect on the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2018, that took place in Washington D.C. from March 19 – 23. The meeting… Read More

LANDac publication | Plantations are everywhere! between infrastructural violence and inclusive development

This paper by Annelies Zoomers discusses Tania Murray Li’s article After the Land Grab: Infrastructural Violence and Indonesia’s Oil Palm Zone, placing it in the wider debates about global land grabbing and inclusive development.   An excerpt: Although Tania Murray’s article focuses… Read More

NWO-SRoL | New applied call on legitimate stability launched

Today, NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development, together with the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law, launched the sixth call for applied proposals of the Security and Rule of Law research program at the Stockholm Forum on Peace and… Read More

LANDac | Final learning event for WLRA in Nairobi (Scaling up women’s land rights in Africa) – video and report now available!

  The LANDac project Scaling up women’s land rights in Africa (WLRA) just had its final learning event in Nairobi, Kenya. The 2-day learning event was organized by LANDac (the Netherlands Land Academy), GROOTS Kenya and ActionAid in Kenya, Enda… Read More

LANDac | New publication: LANDac Masterclass @ World Bank Conference 2018

On March 23rd 2018, at the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2018 in Washington D.C., LANDac hosted the Master Class Land governance from the bottom up: including local communities in multi-stakeholder processes. With the Master Class, LANDac… Read More

LANDac | World Bank reflection meeting in Utrecht – 12 April 3-5pm

  WORLD BANK LAND AND POVERTY CONFERENCE REFLECTION MEETING THURSDAY APRIL 12, 3-5 PM @ UTRECHT   LANDac is organizing a debrief meeting following the World Bank Land and Poverty 2018 conference. At this meeting you are invited… Read More

GIZ | New publication: Safeguarding Human Rights in Land-Related Investments

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development commissioned a study to compare the Voluntary Guidelines on Land with the IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework. The result is the analysis… Read More

LANDac | Inventaire des projets de recherche en cours/ Call for ongoing initiatives

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW   L’Académie néerlandaise de gouvernance foncière pour un développement durable et équitable (LANDac, a initié ce projet pilote de recherche pour mieux comprendre la relation entre les investissements fonciers en Afrique de l’Ouest et… Read More

LANDac | Announcing the LANDac Conference 2018!

LAND GOVERNANCE AND (IM)MOBILITY: Exploring the nexus between land acquisition, displacement and migration  28th and 29th June 2018 Muntgebouw, Utrecht, the Netherlands     Key notes including: Prof. dr. Tania Li, St. George Campus; Canada Research Chair in the Political-Economy and Culture… Read More