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World Bank | Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide: Land Sector Brief

Read the full brief here. A recently published report by the World Bank highlights the intersections between land programs/projects and violence against women and girls. It provides recommendations for policy, as well as institutional and community level interventions… Read More

LANDac | Professional Learning Programme Update

To download the programme brief, click here.

LANDac | Update Professional Learning Programme

After an inspiring training period in the Netherlands in June and July, LANDac fellows returned to the countries in which they work and have started planning to conduct in-depth research on a variety of topics related to large-scale… Read More

LAND Special Issue | Invitation to submit to a special issue publication on “Land, Women, Youths, and Land Tools or Methods”

Developing the tools or methods for securing land rights for all, especially for the youth and women, is a primary objective of responsible land management and land administration. Understanding the challenges women and youths face (and possible ways… Read More

NELGA | Call for research fellowships on land and gender for young researchers in the NELGA network.

NELGA’s research fellowship programme aims to support junior researchers in conducting a specific research projector field study at a NELGA partner institution and encourage them to pursue successful scientific careers. The invitation is targeted at staff members or… Read More

Stand4herland | Three things to know about women’s land rights today

This blog originally appeared on World Bank and on Stand4herland By Anna Wellenstein and Victoria Stanley Watch the video here Gender equality is central to ongoing global efforts to reduce extreme poverty and improve livelihoods for all. An… Read More

Land Portal | Realizing women’s land rights in Africa and Beyond – A Webinar Report

In October 2016, women farmers from 22 countries across Africa climbed the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to claim women’s rights for access to and control over land and natural resources. This event coincided with the launch of a… Read More

RSPO | Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue – Europe

We are pleased to invite you to the dialogue on reaching complete market transformation to sustainable palm oil in 2020. Taking place on Friday 14 June 2019, at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, this dialogue will debate how we can… Read More

Utrecht University | Looking into the Crystal Ball: Anticipating and Influencing Change in Asian Deltas – Prince Claus Chair Inaugural Lecture by Veena Srinivasan

Looking into the Crystal Ball: Anticipating and Influencing Change in Asian Deltas Prof Veena Srinivasan has been appointed as the holder of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity 2018-2020 at Utrecht University. On 7 May she… Read More

LAND Special Issue | Exploring the Nexus between Displacement and Land Administration: The Case of Rwanda

Dimo Todorovski 1,* and Jossam Potel 2 1Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty for Geo-Information Sciences and Earth Observation—ITC, University of Twente, Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE Enschede, The Netherland 2Department of Land Administration and Management, Institute of… Read More