Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Land Portal | Let Data Speak by Submitting Your Data Story for the Land Portal’s Data Story Contest

Data scientists and those working with data in general, often struggle to communicate how and why data are essential and potentially life changing.  The word data often conjures up notions of difficult to understand numbers or facts, information that is out of reach for the general population, meant for data scientists or those carrying out work that requires a certain level of expertise. This is where we feel data stories can be of great use. Data stories provide an opportunity to reflect that data is not sterile and difficult to understand , but part of wider, participatory process.

It is with this in mind Land Portal is launching their first Data Stories Contest!

Data stories can include text, interviews, videos, infographics and maps to tell a narrative in a compelling way, based on what is deemed appropriate on a case by case basis. By telling the story behind data, Land Portal wants to empower much more people to become part of the data revolution and ensure that data does not remain just an empty statistic – but is used to invoke positive change!

We invite you to submit your story by April 30th 2019!  See bellow flyer for more details on how to submit your data story and the website for more information.

Download the flyer here
