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Government of Ethiopia partners with the G8 to improve land governance

Government of Ethiopia partners with the G8 to improve land governance

The Governments of Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Germany announced agreeing to enter a land country partnership to work together to improve rural land governance for economic growth and to protect the land rights of local citizens in Ethiopia.


This partnership builds on existing programmes and represents an important vehicle for increased coordination and collaboration among the Government of Ethiopia and its development partners. The announcement came after the representatives of the heads of state from G8 member states gathered in London to mark the handing over of the G8 Presidency from the United Kingdom to Russia.


The partnership with Ethiopia will support improved rural land tenure security for all, including through appropriate land use management in communal and pastoral areas. It will strengthen transparency in land governance, including by promoting responsible agricultural investment through an improved legal framework and practices.


Further details on the partnership will be communicated over the course of next year through the G8 and the Global Donor Working Group on Land, which was recently established by bilateral and multilateral donors to improve coordination of their respective efforts in the rural land sector. The website of the Global Donor Working Group on Land is based at the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development and can be accessed by following this link.