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Conference report ‘knowledge for development’ 2012. new donors, new investments: new development?

Report now available:
NEW DONORS, NEW INVESTMENTS: NEW DEVELOPMENT? Beyond the Millennium Development Goals  8th Knowledge for development conference, Utrecht, January 27, 2012

This seminar, organized by IDS (Utrecht University), LANDac, HIVOS, FNV Mondiaal, IOB (Antwerp University) and SID, aimed to critically assess the meaning of development in the context of contemporary transformations such as the increased involvement of giants like India and China in development cooperation and the increased role of southern countries in international investment flows. Some key questions were: How do these new relations influence the notion of development? What type of ‘development’ are they providing? What are the geopolitical implications of the new South-South and South-North relations? And: What do these new realities imply for development after the Millennium Development Goals? The report of this conference is available here.