Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

New article: Natural resource privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa and the challenges for inclusive green growth

LANDac PhD alumnus George Schoneveld and LANDac Chair Annelies Zoomers have published an article entitled ‘Natural resource privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa and the challenges for inclusive green growth’ in the International Development Planning Review (IDPR).



In response to recent accumulation crises, the development community has begun to call for greater focus on ‘inclusive green growth’ (IGG). African governments have accordingly been encouraged to develop mechanisms to leverage private sector investments that are both inclusive of the poor and that contribute to the development of the green economy. Since natural resource endowment has long been the primary source of comparative advantage for most African economies, natural resource-based industries are typically prioritised for IGG. This article examines the structural institutional challenges of aligning existing natural resource management regimes with emergent IGG objectives. By showing how and why governments struggle to leverage the potential of investments in extractive industries and agriculture to contribute to IGG, this paper highlights that realising meaningful IGG in Africa requires strong developmental states willing to deviate from existing development trajectories. It is currently under-acknowledged by international development actors that this necessitates disruptive and transformative legal, institutional and economic reform.


The full article can be accessed here:

IDPR – Natural resource privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa

NOW OPEN: Registration LANDac course ‘Land governance for development’

Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis (2003-08), and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase. This course provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the ‘land rush’ within the more general context of land governance in Africa, Asia and Latin America: the history and drivers, the diversity of stakeholders and networks involved, the urgency and current challenges, and innovative governance solutions.


The large-scale acquisition of land in the global South – often referred to as land grabbing – has received much attention from academics, policy-makers and media in the last years. Especially following the food crisis (2003-08), and stimulated by the growing demand for bio-energy, pressure on land in developing countries has increased quickly. Besides the demand for agricultural land, current land acquisitions are also related to tourism development, the rush for minerals and oil, industrial development, urbanization and nature conservation. Local populations often seem defenceless in this ‘rush for land’ and governments lack capacity to address the challenges. As a result, access to and use of natural resources, particularly in the developing world, is being transformed irreversibly.

Land governance in developing countries has to deal with the multiple pressures and competing claims in balancing economic growth, environmental protection and social justice. This course provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the ‘land rush’ within the more general context of land governance in Africa, Asia and Latin America: the history and drivers of the processes, the diversity of stakeholders and networks involved, the urgency and current challenges, and innovative governance solutions.

The course is organized by the Netherlands Academy for Land Governance (LANDac), a network of organizations interested in how land governance may contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. MSc students, PhD students and professionals from development organizations and related projects will acquire up-to-date knowledge on new land pressures and learn how to place these in broader theoretical contexts and policy debates. Participants learn about best practices in land governance from different perspectives and on multiple levels, from local to international. Topics are discussed in interactive mini-courses, lectures and solution-oriented workshops. The design of the course allows for participants to closely work together with professionals, experts and fellow students from a variety of backgrounds. This year’s LANDac summer school offers a unique opportunity to simultaneously attend the LANDac International Conference that will be held in Utrecht on 8, 9 and 10 July. Students will participate in the two-day international conference, allowing them to get a complete overview of current discussions as well as the opportunity to listen to and meet expert scholars working on these topics worldwide. Conference participants whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation during the conference can join the 2-week course with a discount: € 900 € 700 (course + course materials + conference participation + housing)/ € 560 € 360 (course + course materials + conference participation).

The tutorials in the two-week course provide a general overview of important themes such as the global land rush, land governance, land administration and land issues in post-conflict situations. This overview is complemented by a mix of case studies that illustrate issues and trends in specific contexts, cases highlighted in previous LANDac summer schools include (trans)national land investments in Indonesia and the Philippines, government-led land acquisition and resettlement policies in India, and World Bank policies on land. The course also investigates the trend of foreigners buying real estate for residential tourism in Costa Rica, land governance solutions in countries with weak institutions such as Burkina Faso, challenges for participatory land governance in Mozambique, and coping with urban pressures on agricultural land in Vietnam. Topics are discussed from a range of perspectives, blending insights from Dutch and international academics with those of development practitioners, representatives of farmers’ organizations and government policy advisors.


Day-to-day programme: Day-to-day Land governance for development 2015

More information and registration: Utrecht Summer School – LANDac

New E-publication: JARAK the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia

JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia

The E-publication of JARAK presents the main results of the studies conducted for the research program “JARAK: The Commoditization of an Alternative Biofuel Crop in Indonesia” at Leiden University (Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Development) with partner institutions in Indonesia and the Netherlands. At the center of this site is the article “Jatropha: From an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite” which is the synthesis of the research program’s findings. While reading this article you will find links to 26 mini-articles that provide the background for the core article’s arguments, elaborate some case studies, point the reader’s attention to academic articles that have already been published by JARAK researchers, and position the parts of the central article in academic debates. The mini-articles demonstrate the variety of perspectives included in an interdisciplinary research program.


The E-publication is available on:

2015 LANDac Conference (8-9-10 July) – Register now!

The deadline for our call for abstracts is now closed. For opportunities for collaboration during the conference, or to register as a conference participant, please send an e-mail to the LANDac secretariat at

The LANDac International Conference on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development will take place on 8, 9 and 10 July 2015 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The Conference is organized by the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance (LANDac) and its partners and aims to present state-of-the-art knowledge on how land governance may contribute to equitable and sustainable development, as well as setting the agenda for future research and fostering new collaborations for research, policy and practice. The Conference coincides with the 6th LANDac Summer School ‘Land Governance for Development’.

Participants of the Conference can also register for the annual LANDac summer school ‘Land Governance for Development’ that will take place from 6 – 17 July in Utrecht. Participants of the LANDac summer school will attend this conference as part of their course. The two-week LANDac summer school provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the various dimensions of land governance in Africa, Asia, Latin America and beyond. Participants acquire up-to-date knowledge on new land pressures and learn how to place these in broader theoretical contexts and policy debates. Participants also learn about best practices in land governance from different perspectives and initiatives at local, national and international levels. Topics are discussed in interactive mini-courses, lectures, and solution-oriented workshops. The discount price for the 2-week course is € 900 € 700 (course + course materials + conference participation + housing)/ € 560 € 360 (course + course materials + conference participation). More information about the course is available at:

The deadline for abstracts has now been closed. The organizing committee will decide on the selection of abstracts. Following this process, selected authors are invited to submit their full papers, posters or (preparations of) other contributions by 1 June 2015.

In case you are interested in promoting new publications (books, journals, working papers) at the conference, please feel free to contact us. There will be space available to display publications.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the conference organizers through: We very much look forward to your contributions to make this Conference an inspiring event!

Call for papers LANDac Conference 2015 (now closed)


Secure and equitable land rights in the Post-2015 agenda

Secure and equitable land rights in the Post-2015 agenda. A key issue in the future we want

This technical briefing authored by a number of international organizations working on food security, natural resources management and poverty eradication and endorsed by many local civil society organizations around the world strongly encourages governments to keep the profile of land and natural resources high in the document on sustainable development goals to be endorsed in September 2015.

The Post-2015 Agenda must address the structural factors that undermine sustainable development. It is widely recognized that secure and equitable rights to land and natural resources are central to this effort.

Land rights empower people and provide a sense of dignity. They enhance food security and are fundamental to achieve the right to food and increase the productivity of small-scale food producers. They provide an incentive for ecosystem stewardship, and they promote inclusive and equitable societies whilst underpinning cultures and value systems. In most countries of the world, land rights make the difference for girls and women that need education, income and voice.

Secure and equitable land rights, particularly for those living in poverty and using and managing ecosystems, are an essential element of a Post-2015 Agenda that has the ambition to be people-centered and planet-sensitive.

To realize its transformative potential, the Post-2015 Agenda should ensure that all women, men, indigenous peoples and local communities have secure rights to land, property, and natural resources necessary for their livelihoods and well-being, and should devise a monitoring framework accordingly.

The briefing can be accessed through Oxfam’s website:

27/01/2015 Global trends in land tenure reform: gender impacts (NEW PUBLICATION)

‘Global trends in land tenure reform: gender impacts’ edited by Caroline Archambault (Utrecht University, International Development Studies) and Annelies Zoomers (Utrecht University, International Development Studies/ Chair of LANDac), will be published in February 2015. The book explores the gendered dimensions of recent land governance transformations across the globe in the wake of unprecedented pressures on land and natural resources. These complex contemporary forces are reconfiguring livelihoods and impacting women’s positions, their tenure security and well-being, and that of their families.

Bringing together fourteen empirical community case studies from around the world, the book examines governance transformations of land and land-based resources resulting from four major processes of tenure change: commercial land based investments, the formalization of customary tenure, the privatization of communal lands, and post-conflict resettlement and redistribution reforms. Each contribution carefully analyses the gendered dimensions of these transformations, exploring both the gender impact of the land tenure reforms and the social and political economy within which these reforms materialize. The cases provide important insights for decision makers to better promote and design an effective gender lens into land tenure reforms and natural resource management policies.

This book will be of great interest to researchers engaging with land and natural resource management issues from a wide variety of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, development studies, and political science, as well as policy makers, practitioners, and activists concerned with environment, development, and social equity.

The book will be launched at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference in Washington DC (23-26 March 2015) and in the Netherlands during the LANDac International Conference (8-10 July 2015). More information about the launch during the LANDac International Conference will be available through the conference page on this website.

Lunch lecture: Land governance, commercial land acquisition and rural development in Africa – some observations from the Great Lakes Region

LANDac and the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs and Foreign Affairs kindly invite you to a lunch lecture by Dr. Chris Huggins.

‘Land Governance, commercial land acquisition and rural development in Africa – some observations from the Great Lakes Region’

When: Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 (12.00 – 12.30 hrs: sandwiches; 12.30 – 14.00 hrs: lecture followed by discussion)

Where: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Veegenszaal, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, the Hague

This is a time of rapid change in the agricultural sector in Africa, with the so-called ‘global land grab’ taking place against the backdrop of an African Union-backed Land Policy Guidelines process, efforts to bring about a Green Revolution for Africa, and rumblings of military or socio-political conflict in many countries. The Great Lakes Region of Africa offers a set of useful comparisons in terms of land governance, dispute resolution, commercial acquisition of land, and national approaches to food security.

Based on numerous research visits to the region since 2003, this presentation will use the contrasting examples of Rwanda and the D.R. Congo to illustrate some of the key challenges facing African governments, investors and the development partners today.

Dr. Chris Huggins is a researcher, lecturer and trainer with more than 16 years experience on land and natural resources rights in Africa, particularly the political economy of land and agricultural reform in post-conflict contexts. Chris is now Postdoctoral researcher within LANDac.

Please register for this event by sending an e-mail before 30/1/2015 12.00 hrs to:;
When attending, please note you will need to bring your ID card in order to get access to the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Dilemmas of hydropower development in Vietnam: between dam-induced displacement and sustainable development

On 13 January, Ty Pham Huu successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Dilemma’s of hydropower development in Vietnam: between dam-induced displacement and sustainable development’ in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Ty’s work has been closely dovetailed with LANDac research and dissemination activities. In his thesis, he gives considerable attention to land-related impacts and challenges linked to hydropower development. In particular, his work sheds light on the issue of resettlement and compensation policies in Vietnam.

Ty is currently drafting a policy brief based on his PhD research; a summary of his thesis is provided below. The policy brief will be send to our LANDac mailing list when finalized. In case you want to sign up for our mailing list, please send an e-mail to:


Dilemmas of sustainable hydropower development in Vietnam: from dam-induced displacement to sustainable development?

Hydropower is one of the biggest controversies in Vietnam in recent decades because of its adverse environmental and social consequences that constrain the objectives of the Vietnamese government on equitable and sustainable development, especial negative impacts on displaced people who make way for hydropower dam construction. The goal of this book is to explain the controversies related to hydropower development in Vietnam in order to make policy recommendations for equitable and sustainable development. This book focuses on the analysis of emerging issues, such as land acquisition, compensation for losses, displacement and resettlement, support for livelihood development, and benefit sharing from hydropower development. The analysis emphasizes the role of different stakeholders in the decision-making process for hydropower development in Vietnam as a means to find a better governance model. This study was conducted from 2010 to 2014; however, the data and results of previous studies are also used to explain more completely the trends of this controversial issue. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied for data collection and analysis of research problems. Opinion of various stakeholders at different levels were collected and analyzed to understand better the roles and influences of the parties involved in the process of making decisions in relation to hydropower dam construction in Vietnam.

Since independence in 1945, Vietnam has considered hydropower as one of the most important strategies to promote industrialization and modernization of the country. Hydropower potential in Vietnam is 20,560MW. Currently, Vietnam has installed 13,694MW, accounting for 70% of hydropower potential. According to the Electricity Development Plan, Vietnam will have completed the hydropower development plan by 2030. In 2013, hydropower accounted for 40% of total electricity production and provided sufficient electricity to Vietnam. Electricity stability has contributed to the growth of Vietnam’s economy. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank appreciate Vietnam efforts, as the electrification program is very successful. Currently, more than 90% of rural areas are connected to the national electricity network. This has contributed to promoting socio-economic development and improvements of services and infrastructure of rural areas. The success hydropower and electricity sector is a source of pride for Vietnamese people (see chapter 2).

However, the benefits of hydropower cannot be compared with the negative impacts that hydropower caused to the environment and society. The construction of hundreds of large-scale hydropower dams has caused a huge loss of natural forests and bio-diversity. Hundred thousand hectares of fertile land areas for agricultural production are submerged under hydropower reservoirs. Also, hydroelectric dams have caused many conflicts over water resources for various economic sectors; for instance, the conflict between the use of water to produce electricity and water needs of people downstream for agriculture, transportation, and drinking water. Many dams have failed, causing damage to property downstream. In particular, earthquakes have occurred near hydropower dams threatening locals and resettled people’s lives. To date, approximately 200,000 People have been displaced and relocated for the construction of hydroelectric dams, of which over 90% are ethnic minorities. The majority of resettled people have no stable life after resettlement, and their living standards are increasingly more difficult than before resettlement. In practice, very few cases of resettlement due to hydropower dam construction are considered as successful examples in Vietnam (see chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5).

Consequences caused by hydropower development are defined by the following underlying causes. First of all, land acquisition policies, compensation for damages, displacement and resettlement in Vietnam have made significant improvement, but this situation is still not perfect. In addition, there is a big gap between policy and practice. The implementation of these policies at the local level is poor, the responsibility of local governments is not high, and local staffs’ capacity for policy implementation is weak. Very often, policy implementation is imposed by government and local authorities. There is a lack of involvement of key stakeholders except for hydropower investors and local governments. Those people whose land is appropriated do not have sufficient rights and opportunities to participate in making decisions related to land acquisition, compensation, displacement and resettlement. Most decisions are given and implemented by local authorities and hydroelectric investors, and, therefore, the voice of displaced people is not considered as important in these decision-making processes. For example, the price of land compensation and other assets is made by the Provincial People’s Committee each year; it is strictly fixed, and, therefore, land losers cannot negotiate with investors to compensate at market prices. Furthermore, displaced people do not have any opportunity to select an appropriate site for resettlement, as hydropower investors and local governments select most resettlement areas. Consequently, most of resettlement areas are located in difficult areas, with narrow land and poor soil quality.

More importantly, investors are responsible for the compensation and support for resettlement of displaced people for only 1-2 years; afterward, they do not have any responsibility to share the benefits of building hydropower dams. For example, resettled people are subsidized with electricity within 1 year, but then they have to pay for electricity. This is a paradox because displaced people have sacrificed their properties and health for hydropower dam construction, but they are then not provided free electricity. In addition, investors and local governments do not have along-standing policy to support resettled people to recover and develop their livelihoods. Most resettled people do not have adequate land for production and employment and most face a more difficult life after resettlement. Consequently, they return to using outmoded and illegal slash-and-burn agriculture and destroy forests or return to the areas they once lived near the dams for forest exploitation and agriculture production, causing many conflicts between resettled people and hydropower investors, local authorities, and local people (See chapters 3, 4, and 5).

The negative impacts of hydropower on the environment and society led to a movement against hydroelectric dam construction by a network of non-governmental organizations in Vietnam and among resettled communities. This network has become more and more organized and powerful. As a result, their voice has strong influence on hydropower development policy of the Vietnamese government. In addition, NGOs have found an important position in Vietnamese society and the Vietnamese government has become more tolerant to NGOs activities. Today, NGOs are protected by formal laws. So far, NGOs have expanded their activities in different geographical areas and fields since they succeeded in anti-dam movement. Besides VNGOs, international NGOs also have participated in improving the benefit sharing policies from hydropower investment by promoting the Vietnamese government and local authorities to implement the payment for forest environment service (FPES) model for the protection of forests for hydropower reservoirs. To date, many resettled communities have benefited from this model. The success of this benefit sharing pilot has prompted the government to expand the model on a national scale; as a result, Vietnam developed the first policy of its kind for payment for forest environmental services in Southeast Asia (See chapter 6).

Thus, the study results reflect that the construction of hundreds of hydropower dams has caused many negative consequences for the environment and society, especially for displaced and resettled people. Globally, the Vietnam example shows that these problems occur in most hydroelectric dam construction, in most regions, with dams of different sizes from large-scale to small-scale hydropower dams. These problems continue to occur and last for many years, as there is no solution to solve these problems efficiently. In other words, issues related to hydropower development, such as land acquisition, compensation for damages, displacement and resettlement, livelihood rehabilitation and development for resettled people is extremely difficult and cannot be successfully resolved. Therefore, we can see that the government of Vietnam, investors, and society do not have sufficient capacity and effective solutions to solve existing problems caused by hydropower dam construction. If the government of Vietnam continues investing in hydropower development, the burden to environment and society will become more severe than it might be possible to cure. Hydropower development can be equitable and sustainable only when it produces benefits that are shared equitably to displaced people and effectively allocated to rectify the consequences that it causes to the environment and society.

February/ March 2015: free online course (in French) on natural resources and sustainable development

In February and March, an online course (in French) on natural resources and sustainable development will be available for free! The course focuses on the linkages between the exploitation of natural resources (land, water, minerals, forests etc.) and sustainable development. The course offers insights into the opportunities and challenges of the availability of natural resources in countries, at a local and global level. By analyzing the social-economic and environmental consequences of the increasing pressures on natural resources, the course will contribute to a better understanding of the impacts on farming, food and environment.

Please find more information about this course here: Cours online: Ressources naturelles et développement durable

20/11/2014 Forthcoming publication (early 2015) – Global trends in land tenure reforms: Gender impacts

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication ‘Global trends in land tenure reforms: gender impacts’, due to be launched in the first half of 2015.

The book explores the gendered dimensions of recent land governance transformations across the globe in the wake of unprecedented pressures on land and natural resources. These complex contemporary forces are reconfiguring livelihoods and impacting women’s positions, their tenure security and well-being, and that of their families. Bringing together fourteen empirical community case studies from around the world, the book examines governance transformations of land and land-based resources resulting from four major processes of tenure change: commercial land based investments, the formalization of customary tenure, the privatizations of communal lands, and post-conflict resettlement and redistribution reforms. Each contribution carefully analyses the gendered dimensions of these transformations, exploring both the gender impact of the land tenure reforms and the social and political economy within which these reforms materialize. The cases provide important insights for decision makers to better promote and design an effective gender lens into land tenure reforms and natural resource management policies.

This book will be of great interest to researchers engaging with land and natural resource management issues from a wide variety of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, development studies, and political science, as well as policy makers, practitioners, and activists concerned with environment, development, and social equity.

This book, edited by Dr. Caroline Archambault (Utrecht University/ University College Utrecht) and Prof. Dr. Annelies Zoomers (Chair of LANDac/ IDS, Utrecht University), follows builds upon the 2-day Gender & Land Conference held in Utrecht, the Netherlands (organized by IDS, Utrecht University in collaboration with LANDac), on January 14-15, 2013. The conference drew gender and land experts from across academia and public policy.