Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

LANDac | Report LANDac in Quito for Habitat III

LANDac attended the Habitat III Conference in Quito in October 2016. We organized a number of events and activities, of which you can find a brief report here: LANDac in Quito.

VNGi | Participatory cartography in Benin: A VNG International project

LANDac partner VNG International have recently experimented with a revolutionary new tool for securing community land rights in Benin.

As in many parts of Africa, land rights in Benin are largely undocumented, resulting in land related conflicts accounting for 60% of court cases. In order to fast-track the modernisation of the country’s legal and institutional framework initiated under the in 2013 introduced Land Code (Code Foncier et Domanial), citizens in two municipalities were asked to draw out the borders of their own villages. The result of this experiment: an inclusive and inexpensive tool for the demarcation of villages, municipalities or departments, called Participatory Cartography.

You can find out more about the experiments here, and you can also access this brochure: participatory-cartography-in-benin.

Utrecht University | Call for abstracts: Sustainable management of river deltas under pressure

The EGU General Assembly 2017 in Vienna, Austria will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. You can find out more or submit an abstract here.

Utrecht University’s Future Deltas is holding a session on the sustainable management of river deltas under pressure. The session aims to bring together knowledge of both natural and societal processes acting in a delta, and their impacts, finding sustainable solutions for delta management. They invite contributions on (1) human-induced processes driving change in river deltas (2) impacts of these changing conditions and/or (3) optimising delta management solutions. Contributions will be published in a special issue of Anthropocene journal.

For more information on contributing to this session specifically, see sustainable-management-of-river-deltas-under-pressure.

USAID | Land Tenure and Property Rights MOOC

In 2015, USAID launched the Land Tenure and Property Rights Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Nearly 2,000 students from 107 countries joined this free university level course, featuring interactive discussions, self-paced video lectures, and expert case studies.

Back by popular demand, the MOOC returns January 23 2017, with study tracks that delve into the relationship between secure tenure and the environment, humanitarian assistance, and reducing poverty and hunger…

You can find out more and enroll here.

LANDac | Annual International Conference 2017

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: LANDac Annual International Conference 2017

Leave No One Behind: Setting the Land Agenda to 2030

29th and 30th June 2017

Muntgebouw, Utrecht, the Netherlands

***Extended deadline***

We are pleased and excited to announce that we are now accepting submissions for our Annual International Conference 2017 until 28th February 2017!

Key notes including:

Eric Sheppard – UCLA

Helga Leitner – UCLA

Duncan Pruett – Oxfam in Myanmar

And with contributions from:

Danielle Hirsch – Both ENDS

Future Deltas – Utrecht University

LANDac’s Annual International Conference 2017 will look back over the decade since the land grab “hype” began, analysing the processes of transformations that have taken place in those locations where investments have been made and revisiting our understanding of the implications of these investment flows for food security, rural livelihoods and local development. We will also look forward in assessing new challenges in the field, such as land governance in the context of climate change and increasing urbanisation, and land in relation to the SDGs, using existing knowledge to set the land agenda to 2030 and ensure no one is left behind.

The 2017 conference takes the all-encompassing SDGs as a starting point to explore how land governance can contribute to meeting these targets, and ultimately help to end poverty in all its forms everywhere (Goal 1). Providing people with secure and equal access to land is fundamental in realising this objective, and is particularly relevant in the Goals that will be further explored in this conference.

Topics highlighted during the conference will include: food security; infrastructure development; displacement, migration and mobility; compensation and resettlement; cities and urban expansion; inclusive development; conflict and competing claims; natural resources and environmental protection; gender and generation; ;and administration and technologies; and climate change and resilience, among others.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts of a maximum of 300 words must be submitted in English, via email to Word format is preferred.

To submit a panel proposal, please send a panel outline (following the abstract guidelines) plus the names of at least 4 panellists and the working titles of their contributions.

An impartial selection committee will review submissions. Successful applicants will be notified by 31st March 2017.

LANDac welcomes innovative and original ideas. So, if you have other suggestions for materials to present or exhibit at the conference – such as short films, interactive websites, photos, posters – please contact the organisers at the above address.

Submissions which do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.

For more information about the conference and abstract submission procedure, see the call-for-abstracts-landac-annual-international-conference-2017.

The conference will be followed by the Annual LANDac Summer School “Land Governance for Development“.

Please note, registration for the conference will open in early March. Please check back for more information then.

GLTN | Vacancy: GLTN consultant to support phase 3 strategy document

The GLTN Secretariat is recruiting a consultant to support in the development of a strategy for the GLTN Phase 3 and prepare a draft programme document for its implementation within the 2018-2023 time frame.

The consultancy (P5 level equivalent) is home-based with missions as required and the duration is 60 days spread over 6 months.

The complete Vacancy Announcement is available here on the GLTN website: Support for the GLTN Phase 3 Strategy Development

LANDac | Book of abstracts available now: Climate change interventions as a source of conflict, competing claims and new mobilities

LANDac in collaboration with IDS Utrecht University and NWO will hold a conference on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November, in Utrecht, on “Climate change interventions as a source of conflict, competing claims and new mobilities”.


The conference book of abstracts can be accessed here: landac-nwo-ccmcc-and-uu-ids-book-of-abstracts


For further information, see the events page and check out the programme here: landac-nwo-ccmcc-and-ids-uu-conference-programme

LANDac | Programme – Climate change interventions as a source of conflict, competing claims, and new mobilities

Available now!


The full programme for the LANDac, Utrecht University and NWO organised conference.



LANDac | Climate change interventions as a source of conflict, competing claims and new mobilities: Register now!

Registration is now open for the NWO CCMCC, LANDac, and IDS-UU conference:



24 and 25 November 2016, Utrecht, the Netherlands


With contributions from:

David Dodman IIED

Janani Vivekananda International Alert

Joyeeta Gupta University of Amsterdam


To register, please complete and return this form to



For practical information check:



For more information on the conference, visit

IASC Conference 2017 | Extended deadline for submitting abstracts

The International Association for the Study of the Commons will be hosting their XVIth Biennial Conference “Practicing the commons: Self-governance, cooperation, and institutional change” in Utrecht, 10-14 July 2017.

The organising committee has recently extended the deadline for submitting abstracts until 1st of November 2016.

The IASC is the world’s leading professional organization for the interdisciplinary study of commons, common-pool resources, and other resources that are (or could be) held or used collectively by communities, both in developing and developed countries. The association  is devoted to understanding and improving institutions for the management and governance of such resources. The IASC is open to both academic scholars as well as expert practitioners.

The conference will focus on examples from all over the world, but will also pay much attention on the significant current-day developments on common-pool resources and cooperatives within the Netherlands (such as knowledge commons, energy cooperatives, care cooperatives, urban commons, and other citizens’ initiatives), not only by inviting representatives of those Dutch initiatives to join as conference participants, but also by offering them an opportunity to draw attention to their initiatives, e.g. by organizing public events and field-trips.

For more information visit