Following the Webinar Series and Online Discussion on Land Rights Implications of COVID-19, LANDac, together with Landesa, the Land Portal Foundation, New America and the Norwegian Refugee Council published a Brief Series on the impact of COVID-19 on Land and Housing.
In the six months since the coronavirus began its global spread, more than 15 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 600,000 have perished. Governments around the world have instituted lockdowns and shut down businesses. Entire industries have been devastated, notably travel, hospitality, and entertainment in the formal sector, and day labor and street and market vendors in the informal sector. Overall, hundreds of millions of people worldwide have lost their livelihoods.
These facts are well known. But less documented are the various implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the land and property rights of billions of people around the world. This series of briefs, inspired by and sourced heavily from the Land Portal’s Land and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, spotlights a selection of these challenges, and provides suggestions for how they may be addressed.
You can read the briefs here, or download them below.
Last Updated: 2nd March 2021 by Coordinator
LANDac & Partners | Brief Series Land, Housing, and COVID-19
By Karol Boudreaux (Landesa), Alexandre Corriveau-Bourque (Norwegian Refugee Council), Yuliya Panfil (New America), and Chantal Wieckardt (LANDac)
Following the Webinar Series and Online Discussion on Land Rights Implications of COVID-19, LANDac, together with Landesa, the Land Portal Foundation, New America and the Norwegian Refugee Council published a Brief Series on the impact of COVID-19 on Land and Housing.
In the six months since the coronavirus began its global spread, more than 15 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 600,000 have perished. Governments around the world have instituted lockdowns and shut down businesses. Entire industries have been devastated, notably travel, hospitality, and entertainment in the formal sector, and day labor and street and market vendors in the informal sector. Overall, hundreds of millions of people worldwide have lost their livelihoods.
These facts are well known. But less documented are the various implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the land and property rights of billions of people around the world. This series of briefs, inspired by and sourced heavily from the Land Portal’s Land and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, spotlights a selection of these challenges, and provides suggestions for how they may be addressed.
You can read the briefs here, or download them below.
Category: COVID-19, Land Administration, Data and Technology, LANDac News, LANDac Publications, LG Themes, News, Publications