Transparency is often seen as a means of improving governance and accountability of investment, but its potential to do so is hindered by vague definitions and failures to focus on the needs of key local actors.
In a new report focusing on agribusiness, forestry, and renewable energy projects (“land investments”), the Colombia Center on Sustainable Investment grounds transparency in the needs of project-affected communities and other local actors. Transparency efforts that seek to inform and empower communities can also help governments, companies, and other actors to more effectively manage operational risk linked to social conflict.
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Posted: 31st May 2021 by Coordinator
CCSI: Transparency for Whom? Grounding Land Investment Transparency in the Needs of Local Actors
Transparency is often seen as a means of improving governance and accountability of investment, but its potential to do so is hindered by vague definitions and failures to focus on the needs of key local actors.
In a new report focusing on agribusiness, forestry, and renewable energy projects (“land investments”), the Colombia Center on Sustainable Investment grounds transparency in the needs of project-affected communities and other local actors. Transparency efforts that seek to inform and empower communities can also help governments, companies, and other actors to more effectively manage operational risk linked to social conflict.
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Category: External Publications, Land Administration, Data and Technology, Responsible Land-based Investments