Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Multi-stakeholder Dialogues

LANDac promotes the importance of taking into account different perspectives and priorities between stakeholders and strives for common understanding and consensus by bringing actors together to create trust and contribute to building more inclusive solutions.

Between 2013 and 2016, LANDac has organised the annual LANDforum. Comprised of representatives from academia, civil society, governments and private sector from Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Uganda, this think tank was formed to discuss ways to optimise links between investments, local development and food security. In the context of the LANDforum, experiences and good practices are exchanged between different sectors and across different countries that are not regularly in contact. This offered an opportunities for cross-fertilization, as well as for developing a community of practice.

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In 2017 and 2018, LANDac organised the CITYforum, in order to bring together professionals currently  working on ways to make investments in urban development more inclusive and sustainable. In the past years, investments intended to help cities grow or become climate-resilient are often designed abroad and may come at the expense of local residents’ needs and wishes. Through the CITYforum expert meeting, LANDac aimed to generate new ideas and new partnerships between those working in the Netherlands and on the ground in cities where investments are taking place.

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The LANDdialogue
The LANDdialogue is a multi-stakeholder initiative, hosted by the LANDac secretariat, that aims to improve global land governance through strengthening the practical application and monitoring of improvement measures by Dutch companies, the Dutch government, knowledge institutes and NGOs, in line with the VGGT principles. There is a strong link between the work of the LANDdialogue and LANDac. As LANDac II continues to bring together actors, conduct research and distribute information, it’s knowledge agenda feeds into and fosters the LANDdialogue’s discussions with its stakeholders and other Dutch actors. Networks of LANDac and the LANDdialogue largely overlap and continuously meet throughout the year, with LANDac’s Annual International Conference and the LANDdialogue’s High-level dialogue session as important periodic events for synergy and collaboration.

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