LANDac’s Annual International Conference 2017 “Leave no one behind: setting the land agenda to 2030”, took place on the 29th and 30t of June, 2017. This conference looked back over the decade since the land grab “hype” began, analysing the processes of transformations that have taken place in those locations where investments have been made and revisiting our understanding of the implications of these investment flows for food security, rural livelihoods and local development. It also looked forward in assessing new challenges in the field, such as land governance in the context of climate change and increasing urbanisation, and land in relation to the SDGs, using existing knowledge to set the land agenda to 2030 and ensure no one is left behind.
This conference took the all-encompassing SDGs as a starting point to explore how land governance can contribute to meeting these targets, and ultimately help to end poverty in all its forms everywhere (Goal 1). Providing people with secure and equal access to land is fundamental in realising this objective, and in reaching many other targets outlined SDGs.
Topics included land governance in relation to food security, infrastructure development, displacement, migration and mobility, compensation and resettlement, cities and urban expansion, conflict and competing claims, natural resources and environmental protection, gender and generation, land administration and new technologies, climate change and resilience.
You can access PDF versions of the below presentations/session materials by clicking on the name of the presenter(s). Sessions are organised according to the time they took place (consult the programme to check). If your presentation is missing and you would like it to be included, please send it to
Legal Empowerment in agribusiness investments: harnessing political economy analysis
Philippine Sutz, International Institute for Environment and Development
The scope for learning and innovation based on current responsible land investment and inclusive agri-business pilots: the LEGEND Challenge Fund learning framework
Julian Quan, NRI University of Greenwich and LEGEND team leader
What can recent portfolio overviews tell us about donor investments in land and agricultural investment and opportunities to improve coherence and impact?
Building an intra-organizational and fit for purpose land rights policy: Comparison of successes, lessons learned and best practices across two projects
Plastic beaches and mountains of waste: An analysis of Bali’s waste management system through and ISWM framework that focuses on the stakeholder, their activities and the enabling aspects
LANDac Conference 2017
LANDac’s Annual International Conference 2017 “Leave no one behind: setting the land agenda to 2030”, took place on the 29th and 30t of June, 2017. This conference looked back over the decade since the land grab “hype” began, analysing the processes of transformations that have taken place in those locations where investments have been made and revisiting our understanding of the implications of these investment flows for food security, rural livelihoods and local development. It also looked forward in assessing new challenges in the field, such as land governance in the context of climate change and increasing urbanisation, and land in relation to the SDGs, using existing knowledge to set the land agenda to 2030 and ensure no one is left behind.
This conference took the all-encompassing SDGs as a starting point to explore how land governance can contribute to meeting these targets, and ultimately help to end poverty in all its forms everywhere (Goal 1). Providing people with secure and equal access to land is fundamental in realising this objective, and in reaching many other targets outlined SDGs.
Topics included land governance in relation to food security, infrastructure development, displacement, migration and mobility, compensation and resettlement, cities and urban expansion, conflict and competing claims, natural resources and environmental protection, gender and generation, land administration and new technologies, climate change and resilience.
Key notes included:
Prof. dr. Eric Sheppard – UCLA
Prof. dr. Helga Leitner – UCLA
Duncan Pruett – Oxfam in Myanmar
Esther Mwaura – GROOTS Kenya
Prof. dr. Bert van der Zwaan – Rector Magnificus, Utrecht University
And there were additional contributions from, among others:
Danielle Hirsch – Both ENDS
Eric Smaling – Dutch MP
Future Deltas – Utrecht University
Wytske Chamberlain – University of Pretoria
An Ansoms – UCLouvain
LEGEND Programme – UK DFID
The 2017 Conference report is available here:
You can access PDF versions of the below presentations/session materials by clicking on the name of the presenter(s). Sessions are organised according to the time they took place (consult the programme to check). If your presentation is missing and you would like it to be included, please send it to
Thursday 29 June
Eric Sheppard and Helga Leitner – key note
1130 – 1300 Parallel I
Policy and pracitioners’ round table on the urban land agenda for 2030
Chair: Emiel Wegelin, URBACT and Utrecht University
Urban Policy and Practice Round Table – Concept Note
Land expropriation
Chair: Leon Verstappen, University of Groningen
Expropriation for (radical) economic transformation: political viewpoints & alternatives
Hanri Mostert, South African Research Chair in Mineral Law at the University of Cape Town
Expropriation from a comparative perspective: the results of an ongoing study on expropriation in 50 countries
Nicholas Tagliarino, University of Groningen
The Role of the Courts in Reviewing the Justification of an Expropriation
Bjorn Hoops, University of Groningen
Responsible business
Chair: Gerald Baltissen, KIT
How to deal with subsidence in deltas?
Chairs: Annelies Zoomers, LANDac and Utrecht University; Sanneke van Asselen, Future Deltas and Utrecht University
Going down in fragmentation: Fragmented legal responsibilities and regulations to deal with land subsidence in China and The Netherlands
Marleen Van Rijswick, Utrecht University
Land subsidence in deltas: Causes and impacts
Esther Stouthamer, Future Deltas and Utrecht University
Water management solutions for land subsidence,
consequences for land use and costs
Simon Troost, Aveco de Bon
Dealing with subsidence in deltas
Gilles Erkens, Utrecht University
Living in the bottomless pit: The land user’s perspective on land subsidence in Indonesia
Erlis Saputra, Utrecht University
Land use planning for sustainable development
Chair: Thomas Hartmann, Utrecht University
Enhanced Land Use Planning in the Philippines – Paving the way towards achieving the SDGs?
Lena-Hohfeld, Gerald Leppert, and Malte Lech, DEval German Institute for Development Evaluation, Germany
Missing the exit – Can binding land-use plans meet changing land use needs?
Jutta Hesse, Thomas Hartmann and Tejo Spit, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Scaling up women’s land rights in Africa: Steering Committee Panel
Chair: Michelle Nuijen, LANDac
1400 – 1530 Parallel II
Urban and peri-urban land governance
Chair: Anna Walnyicki, IIED
Tribal-Global impasse and an image of the contemporary Global city Mumbai
Devshree Thankar, Leiden University
Increasing access to land for shelter
Gyorgy Sumeghy and Maria Luisa Zanelli, Habitat International
Land for private sector social housing projects in Zumpango and Tecamac: An exploration of the peri-urban land market of Mexico City
Wieke-Smit, Utrecht University
Life in Yangon’s peri-urban informal settlements – a case study of Hlaing Tharyar Industrial Zone
Rebecca Groot, Utrecht University
Land, displacement and mobility
Chair: Griet Steel, LANDac and Utrecht University
Land relations and migration in the Red River Delta region of Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Dien, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam and Philippe Lebailly, Liege University, Belgium
The Life We Lived: A Research on Land Confiscation and Livelihood Strategies of Farmers in the Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar
Laurien Petri, Utrecht University
Land expropriation, forced eviction and forced resistance in Taiwan
Shih-Jung Hsu and Li-Min Liao, National Chengchi University Taipei Taiwan
Land and Responsible Agricultural Investment: lessons and practical governance implications
Chair: Frits van der Wal, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
LEGEND State of the Debate Report 2017: Promoting more inclusive Business in the context of the land governance agenda
Laura German, University of Georgia
Legal Empowerment in agribusiness investments: harnessing political economy analysis
Philippine Sutz, International Institute for Environment and Development
The scope for learning and innovation based on current responsible land investment and inclusive agri-business pilots: the LEGEND Challenge Fund learning framework
Julian Quan, NRI University of Greenwich and LEGEND team leader
What can recent portfolio overviews tell us about donor investments in land and agricultural investment and opportunities to improve coherence and impact?
Giles Henley, Overseas Development Institute
Land governance and environmental justice in the context of climate change
Chair: Mucahid Bayrak, Utrecht University
Green grabbing and the commodification of nature: Insights on the ‘ground’
Mucahid Bayrak, Utrecht University
More Recognition More Value – The ASALs of today
Ken Otieno, Global Rangelands Initiative Program
The growth in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Implications for the 2030 land agenda
Dhanush Dinesh, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Local livelihoods and customary land governance
Chair: Jur Schuurman, LANDac
The recognition of customary land rights: lessons from the Province of Bie in Angola
Marco Orani, World Vision
Inclusive development of tenure security and economic growth for Namibia’s communal areas
Rosa Kashululu and Wino Mwilima, Namibia Ministry of Land Reform
Impacts of Large Scale Foreign Land Acquisitions on Rural Households: Evidence from Ethiopia
Giulia Barbanente, Erasmus University and Emma Aisbett, Hamburg University
Chiefs, Farmers, Businessmen and Officials: On-the-ground Processes of Land Privatization in Burkina Faso
Elizabeth Gardiner, The Ohio State University
Chair: Caroline Archambault, University of Leiden
Empowered rural women as key drivers of sustainable development goals in the Colombian post-conflict times
Natalia Cediel Becerra and Luis Carlos Villamil-Jimenez, Universidad de la Salle Bogotá
1600 – 1730 Parallel II
Infrastructure and formalization
Chair: Kei Otsuki, Utrecht University
Infrastructure development in Beira, Mozambique
Murtah Read, LANDac and Utrecht University
Large infrastructure development in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia: Marginalizing or promoting the locals?
Rijanta, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
Actors, Power Structures and Capital: Territorial Configuration in the Upper Río Negro Valley, North Patagonia, Argentina
Rocío Herrera and Andreas Ch. Braun, The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and extractive industries: assessing challenges towards the SDGs
Sara Balestri, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Land administration
Chair: Jaap Zevenbergen, University of Twente
Ukraine’s reform approaches to fight corruption and increase transparency in the sector of land administration
Cristoph Konrad Gilgen, BVVG German AgriForest Privatization Agency
Detection and monitoring of agricultural land conversion using Copernicus Sentinels 1 and 2
Guido Lemoine, European Commission
Blockchain-based digital land administration in Ghana
Vincent Oberdorf, Utrecht University
Building an intra-organizational and fit for purpose land rights policy: Comparison of successes, lessons learned and best practices across two projects
David Betge, Christin Weigt and Hendrik Westerbeek, ZOA
LANDac Learning platforms
Chair: Gemma Betsema, LANDac and Shared Value Foundation
Findings from the Kilombero Valley
Emilinah Namaganda, Shared Value Foundation
Round table discussion: The impact of Liquid Natural Gas investments in Northern Mozambique – thinking ahead
Chairs: Griet Steel, LANDac and Utrecht University; Karin van Boxtel, Both ENDS
Legal frameworks and land reform
Chair: Jean duPlessis, GLTN
Land acquisition by foreigners in Brazil: legal framework changes and recent tendencies
Bastiaan Reydon, UNICAMP, Brazil
Addressing the risks of weak laws to stem forest land conversion
Caroline Haywood, ClientEarth
Integrating Rural Development Planning and Land Reform in South Africa: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects
Mark Oranje and Jeannie van Wyk, University of Pretoria
China’s mining conflicts and institutional credibility: An analysis of legal disputes
Xiuyun Yang and Peter Ho, Delft University of Technology
Monitoring and measurement
Chair: Everlyne Nairesiae, UN Habitat
Making global scale monitoring of land governance a reality
Laura Meggiolaro, Land Portal
Developing methodologies to monitor the land indicator
Thea Hilhorst, World Bank
Preliminary outcomes of online discussion: How do we measure perceptions on land tenure security?
Everlyne Nairesiae, UN Habitat
Land rights and access to land survey in Timor-Leste – a tool for evidence-based policy and advocacy
Bernardo Almeida, Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University
Friday 30 June
1100 – 1230 Parallel IV
Land governance to end poverty
Chair: Duncan Pruett, Oxfam
Strategic urban planning in Khartoum: Ways forward to sustainable and pro-poor urban development in Sudan
Amir Mirgani Abdelrahim and Salah Abukashawa, Ministry of Strategic Planning and Information, Khartoum State; Mohammed Nassur, Ministry of Physical Planning, Khartoum State
Land reform for achieving SDGs in Benin
Xavier Zola, National Agency of Land Benin
The political economy of large-scale land deals and the human right to adequate food in Tanzania
Atenchong Talleh Nkobou and Marcello De Maria, University of Reading
Land, inequality and power in Latin America
Stephanie Burgos, Oxfam
Involving the local government sector in land projects, a case study from Benin
Claire Decre, VNG International
Informing policy on spatial impacts of peri-urbanization
Panel chair: Monica Lengoiboni, University of Twente
Global urbanization patterns from JRC’s urban atlas
Richard Sliuzas, University of Twente and Thomas Kemper, JRC
Using remote sensing to map/model urban expansion and population growth in sub-Saharan Africa
Eleonore Wolff, Université Libre De Bruxelles
Urbanization and agriculture: policy implications of urban growth
René van Veenhuizen, RUAF Foundation
Food security
Chairs: Guus van Westen, LANDac and Utrecht University; Ellen Mangnus, Utrecht University
Follow the Food: Investment in agri-business and food security
Ellen Mangnus and James Wangu, Utrecht University
Improving food security in rural Java: Prospects and challenges of the local foods
Rijanta, University Gadjah Mada Indonesia
Assessing Relationships Among Land Security, Food Security and Land Privatization in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Elizabeth Gardiner, The Ohio State University
The impacts of climate change on food security: The case of maize in Chókwè District
Mariam Abbas, Observatorio do Meio Rural (OMR)
The Landscape Approach
Chair: Lucy Oates, LANDac
The need for locally embedded entry points for implementing integrated landscape approaches
Mirjam Ros-Tonen, University of Amsterdam
Landscapes and the Dutch government role
Omer van Renterghem, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The landscape approach, role of civil society
Sjoerd Panhuysen, HIVOS
Landscape governance as a framework for policy integration – illustrations from Rwanda
Cora van Oosten, Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University and Research
Land implications for governing waste for sustainable and inclusive development
Chairs: Kei Otsuki and Femke van Noorloos, Utrecht University
Community Participation in Solid Waste Management in Aruba
Ben Bultrini, Utrecht University
Grassroots initiatives for plastic recycling and the socio-spatial dynamics of power relations
Chiao-Jou Lin, Utrecht University
Plastic beaches and mountains of waste: An analysis of Bali’s waste management system through and ISWM framework that focuses on the stakeholder, their activities and the enabling aspects
Bram Broeder & Erwin Noz, Utrecht University
Everyday forms of land grabbing by local elites: power and resistance
Chairs: An Ansoms and Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka, Université Catholique de Louvain
Action theatre to study resistance to land grabbing : ethical and epistemological concerns
An Ansoms and Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka, Université Catholique de Louvain
1330 – 1500 Parallel V
Sustainable actions pave the way for a land governance agenda
Chairs: Karin van Boxtel and Nathalie van Haren, Both ENDS
New technology
Chair: Christine Richter, University of Twente
Monitoring Urban Expansion on Agricultural Lands in Egypt between 1986 and 2006: Asyut Governorate SMSSs as a Case Study
Mahmood Abdelkader, University of Twente
Addressing land rights challenges using high-resolution geospatial data and blockchain technology
Kartik Kumar, SpatialTrust
Mila Koeva, University of Twente
New partnerships for the SDGs
Chair: Monica Lengoiboni, University of Twente
Participatory land-use planning and community maps in Indonesia: crowdsourcing essential tools for sustainable forest-land governance
Michael Rice, Both ENDS
Co-production of knowledge on water and land issues for socio-ecological decision-making: agro-urban challenges in Rafsanjani, Iran
Sara Mehryar, University of Twente
Participatory cartography
Anouk Lodder, VNG International
Researching large-scale land acquisitions through the ‘Zones of Intermediality’ Approach
Sandra Evers and Josh Maiyo, VU University Amsterdam
The missing link? A Review of land tenure registration in Burundi
David Betge, Jean Pierre Irutingabo, Christin Weigt and Hendrik Westerbeek, ZOA
Life on land: Land governance for environmental sustainability
Chair: Mirjam Ros-Tonen, University of Amsterdam
Legalizing the illegal: practices and mechanisms behind land and green grabbing in the Brazilian Amazon
Sheila Da Silva Sens, Utrecht University
Expansion of palm oil in Western and Central Africa
Barbara Kuepper, Profundo
Looking back: what transformations have taken place since the hype began?
Chair: Oane Visser, ISS The Hague
Farmland investment, climate risk and soil
Oane Visser, ISS The Hague
Foreign land acquisition mechanisms: a comparison
Angela Harding, Wytske Chamberlain and Ward Anseeuw, University of Pretoria and International Land Coalition
Land grabbing: trends and developments according to Land Matrix data
Wytske Chamberlain, Kerstin Nolte and Markus Giger, University of Pretoria
Competing claims and the emerging nexus of conflict, private sector, and land governance
Chair: Barbara Codispoti, Oxfam Novib
1530 – 1700 Closing plenary
Plenary room
Effective, accountable and inclusive institutions in land governance: How far did we get?
Chairs: Gemma van der Haar and Mathijs van Leeuwen, Radboud University Nijmegen