Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Article: untangling the myth of the global land rush

A recent article in The Broker by Annelies Zoomers (Chair LANDac) and Evert-jan Quak analyses the implications of the global land rush on food security and inequality. The Broker is an independent platform and online magazine on globalisation and development.…

Summerschool 2013 coming up in July

From 8-19 July 2013 LANDac organises the fourth Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development.

The two-week intensive course will introduce students to the multiple dimensions of land governance in Africa, Asia, Latin America and beyond. Students will acquire the most up-to-date knowledge on new land pressures and learn how to place these in broader theoretical debates. In addition, they will learn about best practices in land governance from different contexts and on different levels: local, national and international. The guiding question is how to optimize the link between land governance, sustainable development and poverty alleviation. At the end of this course students will have a thorough knowledge of current problems related to land and development, but they will also have practical knowledge of possible solutions. The topics are discussed in mini-courses including lectures and solution-oriented practicals led by recognised experts from academia, policy and practice. The course is useful for Masters’ students, academics and practitioners from anywhere in the world who are interested in or work in the fields of land governance, development studies, natural resource management, conflict studies etc.

More information and registration here. A detailed programme will be available soon.

Short article on land grab in Latin America (in Dutch)

In December 2012 LA Chispa published a background article on land in Latin America:  “Land for sale: five questions and answers on the ‘land grab’ in Latin America” (in Dutch). Click here to read the article.

LA Chispa is a Dutch Magazine on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Report: round-table “Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the context of land governance”

On 28 November 2012, LANDac and Oxfam Novib organised a round-table discussion on Free Prior and Informed Consent in the context of land governance, with Marcus Colchester (Director Forest Peoples Programme) as the main presenter and Kristen Genovese (Center for International Environmental Law) as a discussant. The event took place at the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague and was attended by about 25 representatives from NGOs, policy and academia.

A report of the roundtable discussion is available here.
Marcus Colchester’s presentation can be viewed here. 

Report: seminar Kenya land reform – from paper to practice

On Tuesday 9 October 2012, LANDac together with ActionAid and the African Studies Center organised the seminar Kenya Land Reform: From Paper to Practice. Will Kenya’s new land bills safeguard people’s land rights and food security?

Kenyan ActionAid activist David Barissa shed his light on the new land legislation in the country, followed by reflections by Marcel Rutten (ASC) and Caroline Archambault (UU), and a general discussion.

The report of this event is available here. 

For more information on land grab in Kenya and its implications for smallholder farmers, an interesting study on the Tana River Delta was conducted by the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) in 2010: ‘Land Grab in Kenya – Implications for Small-holder farmers’:

Grootschalige landverwerving in Afrika: artikel internationale spectator

A new article by Annelies Zoomers (chair LANDac) in Internationale Spectator of July-August 2012 analyses large-scale land acquisitions in Africa. Click here for the article (in Dutch).

Country factsheets updatedy

In July 2012, all 15 country factsheets have been updated. They can be accessed  here. The factsheets present the relevant policy and institutional contexts with respect to land governance.

Hivos-IIED provocation on small-scale farming and youth report online

On the 24th of May 2012, Hivos and IIED organised a provocative seminar on small-scale farming and youth in an era of rapid rural change. This provocation was the sixth and last in a series being initiatied by the IIED/Hivos Knowledge Programme Small Procuder Agency in Globalised Markets. More information and the online report can be found here.