Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Studium Generale | Who’s got the right to water? with Daphina Misiedjan

How do we distribute water in a fair and sustainable way? Does nature also have the right to water? With human rights scholar Dr Daphina Misiedjan. This Studium Generale lecture is part of a Dutch series on the sustainable development goals of the UN. Met het doel voor ogen – wat is er tot nu toe eigenlijk van de duurzame doelen terechtgekomen? Daphina Misiedjan is an assistant professor at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights and researcher at the Utrecht Center for Oceans, Water and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL). She specializes in issues concerning human rights (in particular economic, social and cultural rights) and the environment. 

For more information click here.

ILC | Save the date: ILC launches LANDex @ World Bank Conference

Introducing LANDex

LANDex, an evolution of ILC’s Dashboard, uses common indicators and methodologies to promote people-centred land governance monitoring. In preparation for its LAUNCH, we gave the Dashboard an overhaul – new name and look!
Join us at the 2019 World Bank Land & Poverty Conference for the big reveal and results of its first pilot country, Senegal.


WHEN: Thursday 28 March 2019, 6:30 to 8:30pm

WHERE: Meridian Institute, 1800 M Street, NW, Suite 400N – Washington, DC

*Drinks and food will be served in a relaxed atmosphere.

Please R.S.V.P by 15 March to

Land Portal | Webinar: Realizing women’s land rights in Africa

In October 2016, women farmers from 22 countries across Africa climbed the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to claim women’s rights for access to and control over land and natural resources. This event coincided with the launch of a campaign of the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) to reach the target of having 30 percent of all registered land in the name of women by 2025 and to embed women’s land rights into the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In line with these initiatives, there has been increased attention for women’s land rights by grassroots movements, local governments, civil society organisations, academics, and international organisations. Nonetheless, despite progressive policies, legal frameworks, and strong civil society engagement in many countries, there is still a lot to be done to feel a real impact on the ground.

This webinar will feature experiences from several grassroots initiatives and highlight how they fight for women’s improved access to and control over land and other natural resources and to scale up women’s land rights. The webinar is co-hosted by Acção Académica Para O Desenvolvimento Das Comunidades Rurai (ADECRU) (Mozambique), Both ENDS, ENDA Pronat (Senegal), Fórum Mulher (Mozambique), GROOTS Kenya, LANDac, the Land Portal Foundation and OXFAM Novib.

Register here.

ActionAid | Stronger together: Peasants from Malawi and the Netherlands share knowledge

For a farmer, access to land is crucial, but this access is not self-evident for many women. In December 2018, peasant women from Malawi and the Netherlands came together to exchange their knowledge and experience. The exchange showed that the struggle of women worldwide has many similarities and that the importance of social movements and international knowledge exchange cannot be overestimated.

Read more here (in Dutch).

Mekong Land Research Forum | Annual Country Reviews 2018-19

The Annual Country Reviews reflect upon current land issues in the Mekong Region and has been produced for researchers, practitioners and policy advocates operating in the field. Specialists have been selected from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to briefly answer the following two questions:

1. What are the most pressing issues involving land governance in your country?

2. What are the most important issues for the researcher on land?

Responses are not intended to be exhaustive, and they represent personalized images of the current situation in each country. They serve to inform and inspire discussion on land issues in the Mekong Region. This third edition of the Annual Country Reviews has been compiled at the end of 2018, looking forward into the new year.

Download the review here.

To take part in discussions on these and other related topics, join the Mekong Land Research Forum researcher network.

To apply, please fill in the form found here.

Online resource can be found at

Paris School of Economics | GREENGO Conference

This conference will be devoted to the economic analysis of the interactions between environmental NGOs, firms and regulators addressing issues related to environmental protection and energy transition. Are welcome all the theoretical and applied works, on topics that include – but are not limited to – public awareness campaigns, education, informational lobbying, boycott actions, corporate social and environmental responsibility, donations, charities, ecolabelling, voluntary agreements… Works in political science, sociology, and business ethics are also welcome.

The conference will be held at Paris School of Economics, France, on the 16th and 17th May 2019.

For more information click here.

Land Human Rights (Sevilla) | International Conference Land and Human Rights

Land is an essential natural resource. Forty per cent of the world’s land is dedicated to agricultural and livestock production and ninety per cent of our food come directly or indirectly from it. Access to land facilitates also the livelihood of a significant amount of people, consisting of small-scale agriculture and other activities belonging to the primary sector, such as livestock, hunting-gathering, artisanal fishing, etc. These populations largely use public or community lands. More than two billion people have access to these lands, also called commons or commons. In other cases, even in greater numbers, the populations depend on lands with legal titles of tenure not formalised or adequately protected legally; in many cases, they are indigenous populations. While they have historical roots, these titles are often informal and precarious.

However, these traditional situations of land tenure have been lately suffering significant adjustments, so international law is being forced to provide a response to protect those communities.

In this respect, an international call for papers will be opened, hoping that it will have the greatest diffusion and participation. Consequently, the objectives of this Congress are:

  • Promoting interdisciplinary research, the generation of knowledge and experiences in order to guarantee sustainability in natural resources, such as the Earth, for all in a fair, sustainable, equitable and healthy way.
  • Generating knowledge and debate between the international scientific community and the key international political and social actors and networks in the matter, in order to promote research initiatives and the adoption of public policies on human rights and the Earth.
  • Contributing to better international regulation of access to land, guaranteeing its sustainability and production value, as well as protecting the large population groups whose livelihoods depend on it.
  • Encouraging the debate and bringing together the opinions of speakers and attendees to reach joint conclusions, fostering cooperation and collaboration of the different agencies participating in the activity. Encouraging the development of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other people working in the rural world.

Click here for more information on how to participate.

University of Edinburgh | European Conference on African Studies (ECAS)

Africa: Connections and Disruptions

In 2019, the University of Edinburgh’s Centre of African Studies will host the 8th European Conference on African Studies, Europe’s largest and most international conference with an African focus. It will take place in the University’s central campus on June 11-14 2019, and is organised on behalf of the Research Network of African Studies Centres in Europe AEGIS.

The conference brings together 1,500 leading researchers, policymakers, and leaders from across the world. There will also be a complementary series of artistic and cultural events, as well as various networking and capacity building events, including some particularly aimed at the next generation of African researchers.

For more information about the event click here.

LANDac | Blog Building Towards Ownership: Exploring the Role of a Community Land Trust in Sustainable Development

In this blog, Eva Labrujere explores how local knowledge and a community-based approach can provide a base for a strategic framework to guide sustainable development in Mathare Valley (Nairobi, Kenya). The developed integrative strategic framework aims to build towards overcoming socio-spatial exclusion by triggering the self-strengthening capacities of residents and to co-operatively build up and manage different types of resources crucial to local development.

Read the blog by Eva Labrujere here.