Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

New vacancy Utrecht University: Assistant Professor in Geo-Computation and Natural Hazards (1.0 FTE)

Assistant Professor in Geo-Computation and Natural Hazards (1.0 FTE)


Job description

The Land Degradation and Geo-Computation Group within the Department of Physical Geography aims at understanding terrestrial ecosystem functioning with an emphasis on natural hazards, land degradation and hydrological processes. Advanced and innovative earth observation techniques and field-/laboratory experiments are combined with spatio-temporal modelling techniques to improve our knowledge of land surface processes, landscape composition and the relation between these processes, vegetation, soil and geology. We address the interaction between the natural environment and human activities, such as land management and nature restoration.

We seek a highly motivated individual to strengthen our research and teaching in earth observation, image interpretation and analysis, geoinformatics, modelling land-surface processes and fieldwork. As the new Assistant Professor you will develop a rigorous research program in the field of earth observation and land surface processes and significantly contribute to our (under)graduate teaching program in earth sciences, mainly in the field of remote sensing, natural hazards, hydrology and field work. You are expected to take full responsibility for some courses and to contribute to others. You will supervise bachelor and master thesis projects, as well as PhD students. The teaching load will be approximately 60%.



The ideal candidate will strengthen research and teaching at the Department of Physical Geography, develop an internationally recognized research program in natural hazards and geo-computation and have a track record or high potential for generating research funds.

The candidate:

  • holds a PhD degree in Physical Geography, Environmental Sciences, Ecology or another closely related research field;
  • has profound knowledge of natural hazards and/or land degradation;
  • has profound knowledge of and well-developed skills in earth observation, spatio-temporal numerical modelling and/or GIS;
  • has experience with fieldwork and field experiments;
  • is an inspiring lecturer to both BSc and MSc students;
  • has, or is willing to obtain in the near future, a basic teaching qualification;
  • has an outstanding record of academic research, reflected in high-quality publications and participation in international networks and research projects;
  • is strongly motivated to actively obtain research grants;
  • has strong communication, networking and organizational skills;
  • is willing to perform administrative duties.

The candidate is expected to have an excellent level of English, both spoken and written. Candidates who do not speak or understand Dutch are expected to be able to communicate in Dutch within two years of the appointment.



The successful candidate will be offered a full-time position at the level of Assistant Professor for three years, which might lead to a permanent employment contract. Employment conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities. Based on the experience and qualifications of the candidate, the gross monthly salary is between € 3,324.00 and € 4,551.00 (salary scales 11) on a full-time basis. The salary is supplemented by a holiday allowance of 8% per year and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.

We offer a pension scheme, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions.


About the organisation

Utrecht University has great ambitions for its teaching quality and study success rates. This also applies to its clear research profiles which are centred around four themes: Sustainability, Life Sciences, Dynamics of Youth, and Institutions. Utrecht University plays a prominent role in our society and contributes to finding the answers to topical and societal issues.

The Faculty of Geosciences offers education and research concerning the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere. With a population of 2,600 students (BSc and MSc) and 600 staff, the Faculty is a strong and stimulating organization. The Faculty is organized in four Departments: Innovation, Environmental and Energy Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physical Geography, and Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning.

The Department of Physical Geography conducts research and teaching and is partly responsible for the BSc and MSc programs Earth Sciences. Within the department of Physical Geography, the research group Landscape functioning, Geo-Computation and Hydrology (LGH) carries out top-quality fundamental research that focuses on natural hazards and hydrology and the interaction of these processes with climate, vegetation, soil and geomorphology.


Additional information

For more information please contact: Prof. dr. Steven M. de Jong, or +31 (0) 30 2532749.



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Select the position from the list and below the description is a button for on-line applications. Only online applications are considered.

Provide a 1-page motivation letter, your CV including a list of publications, a 1-page statement of research interests, and the names and contact details of three references with your application.


The application deadline is: 10/09/2015