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Land Portal | Launch New Country Portfolios for Kenya, South Africa and Zambia

Developed in partnership with local experts and organizations, Land Portal’s latest country portfolios for KenyaSouth Africa and Zambia on the Land Portal offer an in-depth look at both the current and historical land governance situation as well as access to a wide range of datasets, publications, and other land-related content.

Each portfolio visualizes data from a variety of land-related indicators, enabling cross-country comparisons on maps, infographics and tables. The various indicators displayed on the portfolios are pulled from global indices, such as the UNDP’s Human Development Index, FAO’s Gender and Land Rights Database, and OECD’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI). The portfolios also showcase user-friendly infographics covering the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure and the World Bank’s Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF).

With the click of the button, users can also access the latest news, blogs, debates and events. The portfolios display links to profiles of organizations working on land issues in these three countries. Additionally, the portfolios provide free access to thousands of targeted Land Library (LL) resources: 1097 LL resources are available for Kenya, 680 for South Africa, and 759 for Zambia.

Find out more here.