Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Country factsheets updatedy

In July 2012, all 15 country factsheets have been updated. They can be accessed  here. The factsheets present the relevant policy and institutional contexts with respect to land governance.

European Report on Development 2011-2012 published: focus on water, energy and land scarcity

The 2011-2012 European Report on Development  “Confronting Scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth” and accompanying papers are now available online here.  Various LANDac partners (Utrecht University, Royal Tropical Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)… Read More

Hivos-IIED provocation on small-scale farming and youth report online

On the 24th of May 2012, Hivos and IIED organised a provocative seminar on small-scale farming and youth in an era of rapid rural change. This provocation was the sixth and last in a series being initiatied by… Read More

Successful third edition of the Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development completed

In July 2012 LANDac organised the third Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development. The two-week intensive course  introduced students to the multiple dimensions of land governance in Africa, Asia, Latin America and beyond. 25 Students from 16 different… Read More

FAO voluntary guidelines endorsed

On 11 May 2012 the FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS) officially endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. More information here.

LANDac selects two foci for research: civil society and responsible investment

LANDac partners currently emphasize two subjects in their research activities: 1) The role of civil society (e.g. farmers’ organizations) in dealing with large-scale land acquisitions and related issues 2) Responsible investment in land: are there lessons to be… Read More

Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development

2 – 13 July 2012 Utrecht University, the Netherlands In July 2012 LANDac organises the third Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development. The two-week intensive course will introduce students to the multiple dimensions of land governance in Africa,… Read More

Conference report ‘knowledge for development’ 2012. new donors, new investments: new development?

Report now available: NEW DONORS, NEW INVESTMENTS: NEW DEVELOPMENT? Beyond the Millennium Development Goals  8th Knowledge for development conference, Utrecht, January 27, 2012 This seminar, organized by IDS (Utrecht University), LANDac, HIVOS, FNV Mondiaal, IOB (Antwerp University) and… Read More

Now available: summerschool 2011 participants’ work on Land Governance in Argentina and Russia / Ukraine

The 2011 Summerschool on Land Governance for Development participants’ best papers and posters are now available. Two papers were chosen as best quality papers from the 2011 Summerschool participants: Matilde Carabellese’s paper “Land grabbing in Argentina: tendencies and… Read More

Utrecht Summerschool “Land Governance for Development” back in 2012

2 – 13 July 2012 Utrecht University, the Netherlands In July 2012 LANDac organises the third Utrecht Summerschool Land Governance for Development. The two-week intensive course will introduce students to the multiple dimensions of land governance in Africa,… Read More