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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | Vacancy: Research associate in agri-environmental governance, policy analysis and commons research

Research Associate (100%) in agri-environmental governance, policy analysis and commons research   The Professorship of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy with a focus on Governance and Natural Resources (Prof. Insa Theesfeld) is member of the Institute of Agricultural… Read More

Symposium on land consolidation and land readjustment for sustainable development | Call for abstracts

The organising institutions of the Symposium on land consolidation and land readjustment for sustainable development (9-11 November 2016) invite you to submit an abstract on a topic related to the specific themes, or to land consolidation and land… Read More

Utrecht University et al | Rurban Africa research Narratives

Rurban Africa research narratives Rurban Africa is a long-term research programme and a collaboration between Utrecht University (IDS), University of Copenhagen, IIED, University de Toulouse le Mirail, Loughborough University, National University of Rwanda, University of Agriculture Tanzania, University… Read More

GIZ | Job opening: GIZ Land economist in Ethiopia

GIZ is looking for a Land Economist for strengthening advisory capacities for land governance in Africa. The  position is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and starts June 1st, 2016. For more information: GIZ Job opportunities.

GLTN | Vacancies

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is recruiting two  Land and Natural Resources experts (P-4 level). The focus of this position is to support the coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the country level work of the GLTN,… Read More

Petition: Indigenous leaders’ initiative for the Long March to Rome

The Long March to Rome was born of a series of discussions held between Dr David Close, Dr Sandra Evers and David J. MacKinnon in Vancouver British Columbia during early Spring, 2014. Further discussions and meetings with numerous… Read More

LANDdialogue | Publication: Strengthening land rights for women – inspiring examples of interventions supported by the Netherlands

As part of the Land Governance – Multi-stakeholder Dialogue (LG-MSD), organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a booklet was published which highlights inspiring examples of interventions for strengthening land rights for women. The booklet presents cases… Read More

18 March 2016: LANDac Masterclass at the World Bank Conference Land & Poverty

World Bank Conference on Land & Poverty 2016 Scaling up responsible land governance Masterclass: Multi-stakeholder dialogue in land governance: lessons learned and ways forward Room MC C2-131   On Friday 18 March, LANDac and its partners are organizing a… Read More

01/03/2016 News LANDac 2016 Annual Land Conference

  The first panel descriptions of panels that are being organized in the context of the 2016 LANDac Annual Land Conference can be found here: panels. In the coming months we will continue to update the information about… Read More

Online (Dutch): UU Studium Generale lezing ‘Land te koop’

Annelies Zoomers (IDS Utrecht University/ Chair of LANDac) and Barbara van Paassen (Hoofd beleid en campagne ActionAid) gaven op 24 februari een lezing in het kader van de UU Studium Generale reeks over voedselzekerheid. De lezing is online… Read More