Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

04/09/2014 – Indigenous peoples groups organize walk to Rome

On May 1, 2015, a group of indigenous peoples, hereditary chiefs and elders will arrive in the city of Paris France where they will take their first steps of a historic pilgrimage towards Rome, Italy, along the ancient Via Francigena Road.

The Long March to Rome was born of a series of discussions held between Dr David Close, Dr Sandra Evers and David J. MacKinnon in Vancouver British Columbia during early Spring, 2014. Further discussions and meetings with numerous hereditary chiefs, elders and interveners representing First Nations groups in Canada and the United States led to a growing consensus that a petition should be presented to Pope Francis I, asking that he revoke the two papal bulls Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493) as contrary to modern international law, and as violations of the basic human rights of aboriginal peoples worldwide.

More information about the initiative and how to join can be found on the website:

04/09/2014 – Consultancy: Global Land Tool Network partnership and networking officer

Organizational Location: Land/GLTN Unit, ULLG, UN-Habitat – UNOPS
Functional Title: Consultancy: Partnership and Networking Officer
Duty Station: Nairobi
Duration: 12 months (with possible extension)
Closing Date: 15 September 2014

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN/the Network) is an alliance of global, regional and national partners aiming to contribute to poverty alleviation through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. GLTN aims to improve global coordination on land, strengthen existing land networks, and improve the level and dissemination of knowledge about how to foster tenure security at scale. It promotes the establishment of a continuum of land rights, rather than just focusing on formal land titling. In order to do this it works with and through the alliance of GLTN partners to develop, test and promote pro-poor and gender-responsive land policies, tools and frameworks. Additionally, GLTN aims to improve global coordination on land by embracing and promoting a shared agenda and multi-faceted partnerships through the Network itself and by strengthening key land actors and networks.

As the Network is growing, the demand on maintaining and servicing the Network itself is becoming stronger. In order to continue to capitalize on the collective knowledge and initiatives of all partners of the Network, to improve the implementation of its communications and partnership strategy and to continue to developing partnership approaches that support the progress towards achieving results, the Secretariat will engage a consultant: Partnership and Networking Officer.

For more information and to apply, please visit the website:

04/09/2014 – Postdoc vacancy at CICAM: land conflicts, land governance and justice

Postdoc Land Conflict and Local Governance Reform in Eastern DRC and South Sudan (0,8 rte)

Nijmegen School of Management
Maximum salary: € 4,462 gross/month
Vacancy number: 27.13.14
Application deadline: 28 September 2014

Responsibilities As a post doctoral researcher at the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (CICAM) you will be responsible for research activities and the day-to-day coordination of an NWO-WOTRO-financed action-research programme on land-related conflicts and the responses of state and non-state institutions to those in eastern DRC and South Sudan. You will take care of overall stakeholder management in the countries concerned and in the Netherlands. You will train and supervise local researchers and conduct research together with those local researchers as well as alone. You will co-organize and co-facilitate research- and knowledge-sharing activities. You will co-ordinate the organization of regional exchange. You will contribute to and co-author various publications in peer-reviewed journals.

For more information about this vacancy, please click here: 27 13 14 Postdoc Land Conflict etc

03/09/2014 – Food Security consultation: open until 14 September 2014

A review of Dutch food security policy is in the makings. By the end of this year, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs will send a joint food security policy paper to the Dutch Parliament. The Food & Business Knowledge Platform has established this online consultation to ensure that the newest topics and debates on food security are included in the paper. The Office of the Platform will produce a summary of all contributions and send it to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs. All contributions will remain available online.

The Platform invites you to contribute to this consultation. In exploring the possibilities for reviewing its food security policy and possibly including emerging topics, the Dutch government is looking in particular at opportunities to link up with recent international debates and developments. Examples might be inequality, green and inclusive growth, climate change, and a fair distribution of global public goods.

LANDac also especially invites contributions highlighting land governance issues in relation to food security.

The consultation can be accessed here:

LANDdialogue | Start of the new Land Governance Multi-stakeholder Dialogue

Yesterday, 26th of August, Minister Ploumen chaired a first meeting of the Land Governance Multi-stakeholder Dialogue in the Hague. The meeting signaled the start of the new dialogue between financial institutions, pension funds, big companies, NGOs, knowledge institutes and the government about how to prevent land grabbing in developing countries. An interview with Minister Ploumen about the initiative can be accessed here.

25/08/2014 – Vacancy at The Broker: Knowledge Broker Food Security & Inclusive Economy

The Broker is partner in the Office of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. The Broker is currently looking for a Knowledge Broker Food Security & Inclusive Economy (0,6 FTE), who will work partly for the Office of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform in The Hague. The Broker is a vibrant knowledge hub of integrated perspectives on globalization and development, bringing together cutting-edge knowledge and expert opinions from researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.


Vacancy (in Dutch):

Knowledge Broker Food Security & Inclusive Economy (0,6 FTE)


The Broker is een online denknet, dat staat voor een gelijkwaardige, rechtvaardige, duurzame en vreedzame wereld. The Broker wil daarom een sterker fundament onder internationaal beleid. Daartoe ontsluiten we kennis en bouwen bruggen tussen verschillende kennisgebieden, beleidsterreinen en sectoren. Dat doen we door de communicatie en uitwisseling tussen wetenschappers, beleidsmakers en andere professionals te versterken (zie


The Broker produceert content en organiseert internationaal debat op mondiale thema’s zoals veiligheid, ongelijkheid, rechtvaardigheid, werkgelegenheid, voedselveiligheid en sociale verandering. Bovendien leveren we een inhoudelijke en organisatorische bijdrage aan een aantal kennisplatforms van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, waaronder het Food & Business Knowledge Platform (zie De organisatie bestaat uit een klein team van professionals, die werken in twee programmaclusters, respectievelijk Inclusive Economy en Human Security.


Binnen het programmacluster Inclusive Economy zoeken we een kennismakelaar op de thema’s food security en inclusive economy. De kennismakelaar zal deels werkzaam zijn op het kantoor van The Broker in Amsterdam en deels bij het secretariaat van het Kennisplatform Food & Business Knowledge Platform in Den Haag.


Doel van de functie

Het genereren van debat en beleidsaanbevelingen op de thema’s food security en inclusive economy, door bestaande kennis te ontsluiten, te synthetiseren en toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek en door kennisdragers te mobiliseren om deel te nemen aan (online) debat, zowel binnen The Broker als bij het Kennisplatform.


Plaats in de organisatie

De kennismakelaar rapporteert in lijn aan de programmaleider Inclusive Economy en (voor wat betreft de detachering bij het kennisplatform) functioneel aan de projectmanager van het F&B Knowledge Platform. De kennismakelaar werkt binnen en met een team van research editors en knowledge brokers.


Taken en verantwoordelijkheden


De kennismakelaar:

  • Zorgt voor een hoog kwalitatieve en evenwichtige output en presentatie van de thema’s food security en inclusive economy.
  • Genereert, analyseert en synthetiseert content in de vorm van dossiers, artikelen, nieuwsbrieven, essays, adviesrapporten en expert opinions.
  • Draagt verantwoordelijkheid voor content management (kwaliteit inhoud en relevantie voor doelgroepen) van communicatiedragers als de website van het F&B Knowledge Patform.
  • Initieert en draagt zorg voor het modereren van online debat met en via diverse thematische deskundigen.
  • Zorgt voor kruisbestuiving tussen The Broker en het F&B Knowledge Platform.




Wij zoeken een persoon met:

  • Minimaal 10 jaar ervaring als journalistiek onderzoeker.
  • Met een academische opleiding, bij voorkeur in macro-economie.
  • Ruime kennis en inzicht op internationale ontwikkelingen en op de samenhang daartussen, zowel academisch als beleidsmatig en politiek op de terreinen duurzame economie en voedselzekerheid
  • Die beschikt over een voor de functie relevant netwerk.
  • Met ervaring in e-journalism.


Wij verwachten dat de kandidaat:

  • Aantoonbaar in woord en geschrift heeft ingespeeld op actuele internationale (financieel en sociaal-) economische ontwikkelingen, in het bijzonder voedselzekerheid.
  • Aantoonbaar in staat is gebleken om consistentie aan te brengen in complexe thematiek.
  • In staat is om het gedachtegoed van The Broker uit te dragen in diverse fora.
  • Aantoonbaar in staat is gebleken om een relevant netwerk op te bouwen, te onderhouden en te mobiliseren.


Wij bieden

  • Een stimulerende, ondernemende werkomgeving, met inspirerende collega’s op ons kantoor in Amsterdam.
  • Een arbeidscontract voor in eerste instantie een jaar, met de intentie om dit daarna om te zetten naar een contract voor onbepaalde tijd (bij gebleken geschiktheid en voldoende financiele middelen).
  • Een brutosalaris van 3400 – 4200 euro per maand bij een fulltime aanstelling, en een pensioenregeling.



Voldoet u aan het profiel en heeft u interesse in deze functie, stuur dan uiterlijk 15 september 2014 een motivatiebrief met CV aan: Frans Bieckmann, algemeen directeur The Broker, Voor vragen kunt u terecht op (020-4713459).


18/08/2014 – Vacancy at Oxfam Novib: Campaigner Community Land Rights

Campaigner Community Land Rights
32 hours per week
Contract period: one year 
The Hague

Job purpose
The campaigner Community Land Rights will have a coordination role within an international consortium of organisations on the development and implementation of a joint campaign strategy around community land rights issues.

Main tasks:

  • Leading the development of a joint global campaign strategy together with a small international consortium of organizations and networks working on community land rights;
  • Coordinating the process, planning and communications with and for the consortium;
  • Supporting alliance building initiatives.

About you:

  • You have experience in leading the development of joint campaign strategies;
  • You have experience in coordination campaigning networks;
  • You have experience in supporting work to build international campaigning alliances around development issues;
  • You have a broad understanding of campaigning tactics, including lobbying, working with the media, alliance building, communications and popular mobilization;


  • A relevant qualification at HBO ( Higher Vocation Education);
  • Minimum of 3 years relevant working experience;
  • Leadership skills and the capacity to motivate others.You are a team player;
  • Fluency in written and oral English, Spanish and/or French is a plus;
  • Experience in working on land rights or related economic justice or governance issues is a plus.

For more information about this post, please visit the Oxfam Novib website: Vacancy Campaigner Community Land Rights

18/08/2014 – Successful 5th edition of the LANDac course ‘Land governance for development’

From 7 – 18 July 2014, LANDac organized its fifth summer school course ‘Land Governance for Development’ in cooperation with the Utrecht Summer School in the historic centre of Utrecht. The fifth edition of the 2-week course drew the largest number of course participants so far with 28 attending development practitioners, PhD students, MSc students, and others working and studying land-related topics. Course participants came from a diverse number of countries, including Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mozambique, Tanzania, Turkey and the UK. Disciplinary backgrounds ranged from geography, sociology and economy to engineering and land administration.


The new design of this year’s programme included lectures, workshops and discussions, led by different Dutch and international land governance experts. A general background into the subject of land governance for development was provided by lectures about the global land rush, an analytical framework for studying land grab, land administration, and land issues in post-conflict situations. Other lectures and workshops focused on issues such as (trans)national land investments in Indonesia and the Philippines, lobby and campaining for land issues (Oxfam Novib), fostering land governance by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Bank policies and the Land Governance Assessment Framework, the role of responsible business, land price formation, residential tourism in Costa Rica, urban pressures on farmland in Vietnam, challenges of participatory land governance in Mozambique, government land acquisition and resettlement policies in India, and the role of farmer’s organizations in lobbying for land rights. The participants also joined for a day excursion to a Dutch livestock farm near Utrecht, where a livestock expert and a local farmer showed their experiences in livestock farming and land use. The course was concluded with case studies based on student’s own interests through a presentation and poster.



18/08/2014 – The global land grab as modern day corporate colonialism

In the article ‘The global land grab as modern day corporate colonialism, LANDac partners Mayke Kaag (African Studies Centre) and Annelies Zoomers (International Development Studies, Utrecht University) reflect on the debate around large-scale land acquisitions, based on their recent edited volume ‘The Global Land Grab – Beyond The Hype’. Based on a number of diverse case studies presented in the publication, Kaag and Zoomers argue that the global land grab does indeed exist, but can not be reflected in terms of hectares and statistics alone. They argue, in contranst whole set of earlier policies have paved the way


The full article can be accessed here: The global land grab as modern day corporate colonialism.


For more information about the edited volume ‘The Global Land Grab’ please see our report on the book launch.

EU support to rural land governance – state of play 2014

This brochure provides an overview of EuropeAid’s support to responsible governance of land tenure. It demonstrates the level of EU commitment to rural land governance and aims to facilitate coordination with other stakeholders at global, continental and country level. The factsheet was produced and distributed at the European Parliament – Europeaid High Level Conference “Land tenure security, the missing key to eradicate poverty”. – See more at: Brochure EU support to rural land governance