Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

LANDac Conference 2015


Joining Forces

The LANDac Annual International Conference 2015 took place between the 8-10th of July 2015 in Utrecht. This year’s conference aimed to:

  • take stock of five consecutive years of research, policy and practice;
  • present state-of-the-art knowledge on how land governance may contribute to equitable and sustainable development;
  • set the agenda for future research;
  • foster new collaborations for research, policy and practice.

Over 250 participants from roughly 35 countries attended over 30 thematic sessions that featured presentations, key note debates, documentaries, workshops, and games, among other formats. Each session focused on the roles of different stakeholders in the land governance debate, the causes and diversity of increasing pressures on land, and the tools and instruments that are available for addressing land issues. Contributions came from researchers and academics, practitioners from NGOs and development organizations, private sector stakeholders and the financial sector, policy makers from governments, journalists and others.